Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Grandson love

We just got a darling picture of Logan (Kris' grandson) in the Buddy Holly glasses we got in Clear Lake at our reunion.

I of course have to add a cute picture I took of Jackson (my grandson) but this is not a competion because we both know we have the cutest grandsons.

We were waiting for a picture of Jake's new grandson but except for the one Missy sent to our cell phones we haven't gotten any. Maybe this will get us one.

Suzie called yesterday while she was on her way home from learning how to do her make up and add her eyebrows etc. after she loses them and she said she had been the model for the demonstration. She said she had more make up on than she'd ever had in her life. I was so impressed because she drove herself down.
I'm anxious to know what Scott thought. We were sorry we wern't there to take pictures.

We are keeping Kris busy at CoreNet so I'm glad she's here.

Love Kitty & Kris

1 comment:

JudyJ said...

Your Grandson's are darling. I can't wait to see the new one. JudyJ


Kitty Suzie Kristy